Dr. S. Brooks Meade is a native of Joliet, Illinois and currently resides in the Metro Atlanta area. He has over 20 years of teaching experience in the classroom. He developed a desire for poetry writing while in undergrad and a passion for Black history and culture while attending Tennessee State University. Dr. Meade later developed the competence to successfully conduct research, which led to further study in genealogy. His list of degrees are as follows:
Illinois State University—B.S.
Tennessee State University—M.Ed.
University of West Georgia—Ed.S.
Northcentral University—Ed.D.
"A desire to inspire and educate others has long been the driving force behind my life’s purpose. I realized early on that I was blessed with the craft of writing. Somewhere along the way, I also discovered that my passion towards history was more personal than the whitewashed lessons learned in high school and college. Therefore, I turned my attention towards researching my own family lineage. As a result, I found that learning true history, especially my own, was empowering. It is with great pride I proclaim to be a fifth generation educator following in the footsteps of my great-great grandmother, Mrs. Winnie Jordan-Thigpen. My purpose is to share my story as well as provide guidance to others on their journey."